Mary Pikul Anderson (born September 30, 1948, Buffalo, New York) is a hydrologist, geologist, and professor emerita of hydrogeology.
She received a B.A.
degree at the State University of New York at Buffalo, and a M.S.
and PhD at Stanford University.
She taught at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.
Her research involves groundwater–lake interaction and application of computer models.
She is co-author of two textbooks including Applied Groundwater Modeling, now in a 2nd edition (2015).
She has been cited as turning groundwater modeling into a "fundamental tool of practicing hydrologists."Her many awards include:
Hubbert Award of the Association of Groundwater Scientists and Engineers and the National Ground Water Association (1992)
Meinzer Award (1998)She is a Fellow of AGU and GSA and was
President of the Hydrology Section of the American Geophysical Union (1996-1998)
Editor-in-Chief of the professional journal Groundwater (2002-2011)
also current member National Academy of Engineering (2006)