D. I. Suchianu, Date of Birth, Date of Death


D. I. Suchianu

Romanian essayist, translator, film theorist and political economist

Date of Birth: 02-Sep-1895

Date of Death: 17-Apr-1985

Profession: judge, actor, economist, translator, film critic, literary critic

Nationality: Romania

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

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About D. I. Suchianu

  • Dumitru Ion Suchianu (September 2, 1895–April 17/18, 1985) was a Romanian essayist, translator, film theorist and political economist. Born in Ia?i, his parents were Hanes-Ogias Suchianu, a professor of Armenian origin, and his wife Lelia (née Nanu-Muscel).
  • He attended high school in Bucharest and at the modern language section of the Boarding High School in his native city, from which he graduated in 1914.
  • He then earned a degree in law, literature and philosophy from Ia?i University, followed by a doctorate in political and economic sciences from the University of Paris.
  • He subsequently became associate professor at the law faculty of Bucharest University, in the department of social doctrines.
  • He was full professor at the Higher War School and at the Fine Arts Academy, as well as professor of political economy and finance at the State Sciences School.
  • He worked as a magistrate from 1926 to 1948.
  • A member of the film censorship committee from 1929 to 1941, he held courses on cinematography and promoted the discipline through several books (Curs de cinematografie, 1930; Cinematograful, acest necunoscut, 1973; Nestemate cinematografice, 1980).
  • For a decade, he wrote the film column for România Literara.Suchianu's literary activity began in the Via?a Româneasca circle; together with his brother-in-law and high school and university classmate Mihai Ralea, he co-directed the magazine from 1937 to 1940 and again in 1946.
  • He made his published debut in its pages, with the 1921 study Thomas Hardy.
  • He wrote frequently on a variety of topics, including philosophy, literature, aesthetics, sociology, psychology and cinematography, for Via?a Româneasca, Universul literar ?i artistic, Lumea, Contemporanul and Astra.
  • His first book was the 1928 collection of literary studies Aspecte literare; another appeared in 1978 as Foste adevaruri viitoare.
  • He wrote three volumes of political economy: Introducere în economia politica (1930), Manual de sociologie (1931) and Despre avu?ie.
  • He translated Miori?a into French, as well as poems by Tudor Arghezi, while translating Michel Georges-Michel, Silvio Micheli, Alberto Moravia and Georges Sadoul into Romanian.
  • A deeply cultured man with a solid knowledge of psychology, political economy, natural science, literature and film, he wrote several books of essays (Puncte de vedere, 1930; Diverse însemnari ?i amintiri, 1933; Amica mea Europa, 1939).
  • These are marked by erudition and style, subtle observation and deft analogies; they employ ideas and information in an elevated intellectual manner.

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