Nicolae Păiș, Date of Birth, Date of Death


Nicolae Păiș

Date of Birth: 11-Jul-1887

Date of Death: 16-Sep-1952

Profession: naval officer

Nationality: Romania

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Nicolae Păiș

  • Nicolae T.
  • Pai? (July 11, 1887–September 16, 1952) was a Romanian career naval officer. Born in Bucharest, he attended the military school for artillery and naval officers between 1905 and 1907.
  • After graduating, he entered the Romanian Navy with the rank of sub-lieutenant, and was a participant in World War I.
  • He rose to commodore July 1927 and counter-admiral in March 1937.
  • From May 11 to July 4, 1940, he was undersecretary of state in the Ministry of Air Force and Navy in the government of Gheorghe Tatarescu.
  • Then, from July 4 to September 4, he was Minister of Air Force and Navy under Ion Gigurtu.
  • During the World War II-era rule of Ion Antonescu, he became naval undersecretary of state in April 1941, was made a vice-admiral in the reserves in October 1942, and resigned in February 1943.
  • His home was searched under the Romanian Communist Party-dominated government in May 1946, but nothing incriminating was found.
  • Pai? was ill in bed, but was taken to the prison hospital at Vacare?ti.
  • He was held for some time before being temporarily released.
  • Rearrested by the communist regime in August 1948, he was sentenced to three years' imprisonment the following January as a former dignitary under Antonescu.
  • In August 1951, he was moved from Aiud prison to Sighet prison, where he received no medical attention.
  • In protest, he declared a hunger strike of forty days.
  • After his death a year later, his body was buried in a mass grave on the banks of the Iza River.

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