Valery Samuilovich Shmukler (Ukrainian: ??????? ?????????? ???????, Russian: ??????? ?????????? ???????; born 26 June 1946) is a Ukrainian engineer, an expert in the field of construction, reconstruction, the theory of structural systems, information technology, calculation and design of structures, methods of optimization and rationalization of the scientific theory of rationalization building constructions, academician of the Academy of Construction of Ukraine (1999), doctor of technical sciences (1997), professor (2001), winner of the State Prize of Ukraine in Architecture (1995), Honored Scientist of Ukraine (2015), emeritus professor of O.
Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv (2014), chief of the department of building construction of O.
Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, a member of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures IASS (1980), a member of the International Scientific Society ACI (American Concrete Institute, USA) (1997).