'Umar al-Tilmisani (Arabic: ??? ??????????, IPA: ['?om??? et.telme'sæ?ni]; most often transliterated as Omar el Telmesany or Telmesani ) (4 November 1904 – 22 May 1986) was the third General Guide (Murshid al-'Am) of the Egyptian Muslim Brothers.
He headed the Egyptian Islamist organization from 1972 until 1986.
Al-Tilmisani (his name is a variation on Tlemceni, reflecting his family origin in the Western Algerian city of that name) headed the Muslim Brothers during a period of cooperation and, some observers suggest, cooptation by the Egyptian state.
While the Brothers were not precisely legal during Tilmisani's term, they were tolerated and encouraged by President Anwar al-Sadat as a bulwark against both leftist opponents and more extremist Islamists.