Pierre Louis de Lacretelle, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Pierre Louis de Lacretelle

French lawyer, politician, and writer

Date of Birth: 10-Oct-1751

Place of Birth: Metz, Grand Est, France

Date of Death: 05-Sep-1824

Profession: writer, lawyer, politician

Nationality: France

Zodiac Sign: Libra

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About Pierre Louis de Lacretelle

  • Pierre Louis de Lacretelle (9 October 1751 – 5 September 1824) was a French lawyer, politician and writer. He was born in Metz, the elder brother of Jean Charles Dominique de Lacretelle. He practised as a barrister in Paris.
  • In 1784 he shared a prize for an award-winning essay with Maximilien Robespierre.
  • Under the French Revolution he was elected as a dĂ©putĂ© supplĂ©ant in the Constituent Assembly, and later as a deputy in the Legislative Assembly. He belonged to the moderate party known as the Feuillants, but after 10 August 1792 he ceased to take part in public life.
  • In 1803 he became a member of the Institut de France, taking the place of La Harpe.
  • From 1806 he was a member of the AcadĂ©mie française. Under the Restoration he was one of the chief editors of the Minerve française.
  • He also wrote also an essay, Sur le 18 Brumaire (1799), some Fragments politiques et littĂ©raires (1817), and a treatise Des partis politiques et des factions de ca pretendue aristocratie d'aujourd'hui (1819).
  • In 1823, Bossange frères published his Ĺ’uvres complètes in 3 volumes.

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