Louis C. Cramton, Date of Birth, Date of Death


Louis C. Cramton

American politician

Date of Birth: 02-Dec-1875

Date of Death: 23-Jun-1966

Profession: judge, lawyer, politician

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

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About Louis C. Cramton

  • Louis Convers Cramton (December 2, 1875 – June 23, 1966) was a politician and jurist from the U.S.
  • state of Michigan. Cramton was born in Hadley Township, Michigan and attended the common schools of Lapeer County.
  • He graduated from Lapeer High School in 1893 and from the law department of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor in 1899.
  • He was admitted to the bar in 1899 and commenced practice in Lapeer.
  • He discontinued the practice of his profession in 1905 and published the Lapeer County Clarion, 1905-1923.
  • He was law clerk of the Michigan Senate for three terms and deputy commissioner of railroads of Michigan in 1907.
  • He was secretary of the Michigan Railroad Commission from September 1907 to January 1, 1909 and a member of the Michigan House of Representatives in 1909 and 1910. In 1916, Cramton was elected as a Republican to the United States House of Representatives from Michigan's 7th congressional district.
  • He served in the 63rd Congress and the eight succeeding Congresses, from March 4, 1913 to March 3, 1931.
  • In 1930 and 1932, Cramton lost to Jesse P.
  • Wolcott in the Republican primary. He was special assistant to the U.S.
  • Secretary of the Interior in 1931 and 1932.
  • In 1934, he was elected circuit judge of the 40th state judicial circuit, serving from November 21, 1934 to December 31, 1941.
  • He lost his bid for re-election in November 1941.
  • He was a delegate to the 1940 Republican National Convention.
  • He resumed the practice of law and in 1948 was re-elected to the Michigan House of Representatives, serving 1948-1960. Cramton died in Saginaw, Michigan and is interred in Mt.
  • Hope Cemetery, Lapeer, Michigan. Cramton's son, Louis K.
  • Cramton, served in the U.S.
  • Army during World War II and was a member of Michigan House of Representatives from Midland County, 1971-80.

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