Louis Sarno, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Louis Sarno

American musicologist and author

Date of Birth: 03-Jul-1954

Place of Birth: Newark, New Jersey, United States

Date of Death: 01-Apr-2017

Profession: writer, musicologist

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Louis Sarno

  • Louis Sarno (July 3, 1954 – April 1, 2017) was an American musicologist and author.
  • In the mid-1980s he made field recordings of the music of a Bayaka Pygmy clan while living among them in the forests of the Central African Republic.
  • Sarno lived in the CAR for more than 20 years, and held a dual citizenship there and in the United States.
  • He documented some of his experiences in his memoir, Song from the Forest: My Life Among the Pygmies (2015), which Geoff Wisner included in his survey work A Basket of Leaves: 99 Books That Capture the Spirit of Africa.Louis Sarno was born and raised in Newark, New Jersey.
  • In 1985 he went to Africa to record the music of a pygmy tribe.
  • He "combined recordings of Bayakan music with sounds of their surrounding environment into a two-CD/book package entitled Bayaka: The Extraordinary Music of the Babenzélé Pygmies (Ellipsis Arts). Louis Sarno married a Bayakan woman and they had sons.The documentary film Song from the Forest, by German director Michael Obert, tells Sarno's life story.
  • The film premiered at the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam 2013 where it was honored with the Award for Best Feature-Length Documentary.
  • A movie based on Sarno's life called Oka! was released in 2011 (in the Aka language, oka means "listen"). Sarno died on April 1, 2017 in Teaneck, New Jersey.

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