Louise von Sturmfeder (full name: Maria Aloisia Sturmfeder of Oppenweiler, Erbsassin Lerch and Dirmstein; 3 October 1789, Esslingen - 10 September 1866, Vienna) was a lady-in-waiting to the House of Habsburg.
She was put in charge of the early upbringing of the royal infants, as aja (then rendered "nurse", now nanny - but see also ayah) to Franz Joseph I of Austria, his brother Maximilian I of Mexico and his other siblings.
She distrusted doctors and prescribed fresh air for her charges.
At first, she favoured the elder boy over the second, with unfortunate effects on the latter's character.Hyde, H.
Montgomery (1946).
Mexican Empire: the history of Maximilian and Carlota of Mexico.