Eleanor de Laittre, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Eleanor de Laittre

American artist

Date of Birth: 03-Apr-1911

Place of Birth: Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

Date of Death: 09-Jan-1998

Profession: painter

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Eleanor de Laittre

  • Eleanor de Laittre (April 3, 1911 – January 9, 1998) was an American visual artist and an early proponent of abstract, cubist-inspired, and largely non-objective art.
  • During a period when representational art was the norm in the United States, she adhered to a style that was based on her study of paintings by Pablo Picasso, Joan Miró, Paul Klee, and Raoul Dufy.
  • She was a member of American Abstract Artists, a group that flourished during the late 1930s and throughout the 1940s and that included among its members Josef Albers, Ilya Bolotowsky, Werner Drewes, Suzy Frelinghuysen, A.E.
  • Gallatin, Adolph Gottlieb, László Moholy-Nagy, George L.K.
  • Morris, and Ad Reinhardt.
  • In 1939 de Laittre was recognized for her skill in handling the design of a painting she had placed in a group exhibition and was praised in general for her subtle handling of color.
  • Critical appraisal of her work remained positive in the 1940s and early 1950s and toward the end of her career she was honored as one of the best-known artists among those who strove to overcome resistance to abstract art in America.

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