Sara Bendahan, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Sara Bendahan

Date of Birth: 28-Aug-1900

Place of Birth: Guatire, Miranda, Venezuela

Date of Death: 22-Dec-1946

Profession: physician

Nationality: Venezuela

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

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About Sara Bendahan

  • Sara Bendahan (1906-1946) was a doctor who was the first Venezuelan woman to complete her medical degree in Venezuela. She was born in Guatire in February 1906, and her parents were Moroccan Jewish immigrants.
  • In September 1924 she began studying at the Central University of Venezuela.
  • In her third year of studying medicine she suffered from pulmonary tuberculosis and went to Los Teques to recover, but did not stop studying and passed her third year exams.
  • However, due to the deaths of family and friends she initially left medical school without graduating, needing only to complete her thesis and examination.
  • She did this and graduated as a doctor on July 31, 1939, but died six years later.
  • She had a daughter.

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