Phil Davis (cartoonist), Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Phil Davis (cartoonist)


Date of Birth: 04-Mar-1906

Place of Birth: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Date of Death: 16-Dec-1964

Profession: illustrator, penciller

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Phil Davis (cartoonist)

  • Philip Davis (March 4, 1906 – 16 December 1964), better known as Phil Davis, was an American artist who illustrated Mandrake the Magician, written by Lee Falk.
  • Davis was born in St.
  • Louis, Missouri. Growing up with one sister and one brother, Davis became interested in drawing when he was six years old.
  • "I had a mania for parades," he recalled.
  • "I drew every parade I could see.
  • My family neither encouraged nor discouraged me.
  • They just accepted my dark fate."While attending Washington University in St.
  • Louis, Davis had a part-time job as a draftsman with the technical department of the local telephone company.
  • By 1928, he was working in the art department of the St.
  • Louis Post-Dispatch.
  • He left the newspaper to do magazine illustrations and advertising art. In 1933, Davis met St.
  • Louis advertising agency executive Lee Falk, and the two began their collaboration on Mandrake the Magician.
  • Falk asked Davis to do a dozen panels on spec.
  • Davis did so, and in 1934 Falk went to New York and pitched the concept to King Features Syndicate.
  • The strip was launched June 11, 1934 with Davis illustrating and Falk scripting.
  • One of Davis' assistants was Ray Moore, who later became the first artist on Falk's other comic strip, The Phantom, also distributed by King Features.

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