Matthias Abele, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Matthias Abele


Date of Birth: 17-Feb-1618

Place of Birth: Steyr, Upper Austria, Austria

Date of Death: 14-Nov-1677

Profession: writer, jurist, author, poet lawyer

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

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About Matthias Abele

  • Matthias Abele von und zu Lilienberg (17 February 1618 – 14 November, 1677) brother of Christoph Ignaz Abele, was a mine official and jurist in Steyr, Austria.
  • He acquired his doctorate in law, was comes palatinus (i.e., an imperial count palatine) and in 1652 member of the Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft (Fruitbearing Society). He published anecdotes in the style of a court case, namely: Metamorphosis telae judiciariae, 1651, 1668, 1712 Vivat Unordnung!, 1669, 1670-1675 Fiscologia oder Communitätscasse zu Grillenberg, 1672

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