Andreas Landwehr, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Andreas Landwehr

German journalist

Date of Birth: 22-Mar-1959

Place of Birth: Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Profession: journalist

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Andreas Landwehr

  • Andreas Landwehr (born 22 March 1959) is a German journalist.
  • Since 1993 he has been the German Press Agency bureau chief in Beijing.
  • He was the winner, in 2011, of the Reetsma Liberty Award for journalistic freedom and independence.At the award ceremony his work was the subject of an enthusiastic tribute from the BBC's John Simpson: he was described as "an everyday hero [with a journalistic focus on] freedom and human rights", his reporting driven by "journalistic principals" unencumbered by restrictive preconceptions.

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