Vincenzo Pipino (born 22 July 1943), also known as Encio, is an Italian thief from Venice whose exploits earned him the nickname "the gentleman thief".
He is the first person to successfully steal from the Doge's Palace, and has been responsible for some of the most sensational art thefts in the city.
During his lifetime, he has committed over 3,000 thefts at museums, galleries, banks, and private residences, 50 thefts of jewelry shops, and stole thousands of kilograms of gold throughout Europe.
His activities have resulted in over 300 complaints to police, he has been arrested numerous times, and has received 15 sentences totalling over 25 years in prison.
He once escaped from a penitentiary in Vaud, Switzerland.
He has stated that he knows he is destined to die incarcerated.