Mullah Krekar, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Mullah Krekar

Islamic scholar

Date of Birth: 07-Jul-1956

Place of Birth: Slemani, Sulaymaniyah Governorate, Iraq

Profession: autobiographer

Nationality: Iraq

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Mullah Krekar

  • Mullah Fateh Krekar (Kurdish: ???? ??????? Mela Krêkar; born ???????? ????? ??????, Najmaddin Faraj Ahmad, July 7, 1956) is a Sunni Iraqi Kurdish Islamic scholar and militant who came to Norway as a refugee from Iraqi Kurdistan in 1991.
  • His wife and four children have Norwegian citizenship, but not Krekar himself.
  • He speaks Kurdish, Arabic, Persian, some Norwegian and English.Krekar was the original leader of the Islamist armed group Ansar al-Islam, which was set up and commenced operations in Northern Iraq while he had refugee status in Norway.
  • Krekar claims, however, not to have had foreknowledge of the various terrorist attacks performed by the group he was leading.
  • Since February 2003 he has an expulsion order against him, which is suspended pending Iraqi government guarantees that he will not face torture or execution.
  • Norway is committed to international treaties which prohibit the expulsion of an individual without such a guarantee.Kurdish authorities in the Kurdistan Regional Government have repeatedly asked for Mullah Krekar to be extradited from Norway.
  • The death penalty remains on the books in the Kurdistan region.
  • Most death sentences have been changed into life sentences since the Kurdish authorities took power in 1992, the exception being that eleven alleged members of Ansar al-Islam were hanged in the regional capital of Erbil in October 2006.
  • He has as of 8 December 2006 been on the UN terror list, and as of 8 November 2007 been judged by the Supreme Court of Norway as a "danger to national security".On March 26, 2012 he was sentenced to 5 years in prison for making repeated death threats against Norwegian politicians and the Kurds if they pursued certain civil actions against him.
  • He has appealed this prison sentence.
  • The next day, March 27, 2012, he was arrested by the Norwegian Police Security Service (PST) and Norwegian Police and taken into protective custody and incarceration.
  • This occurred after certain additional statements of a threatening nature were linked to him, suggesting that others might take retaliatory actions against Norwegians if his civil prison sentence were implemented.

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