Gert-Jan Segers, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Gert-Jan Segers

Dutch political scientist and politician

Date of Birth: 09-Jul-1969

Place of Birth: Lisse, South Holland, Netherlands

Profession: writer, politician, columnist, journalist

Nationality: Kingdom of the Netherlands

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Gert-Jan Segers

  • Gert Jan Maarten "Gert-Jan" Segers (born 9 July 1969 in Lisse) is a Dutch political scientist and politician.
  • As a member of the ChristianUnion (ChristenUnie), he has been an MP since 20 September 2012.
  • He has also been parliamentary leader since 10 November 2015, succeeding Arie Slob.Segers studied political science at Leiden University and obtained a master's degree in Western-Islamic relations and the Middle East at Johns Hopkins University.
  • From 2000 to 2007 he was a Christian missionary in Egypt.
  • From 2008 to 2012, he was the chairman of the ChristianUnion think tank Mr.
  • G.
  • Groen van Prinsterer Stichting.He is also a columnist for the Dutch newspaper Nederlands Dagblad, and he wrote two books about Islam-related topics, as well as two novels. Gert-Jan Segers is married and has three children.
  • Mayor of Staphorst Theo Segers is his cousin.

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