Georgi Danevski, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Georgi Danevski

Date of Birth: 25-Jul-1947

Place of Birth: North Macedonia

Profession: painter, muralist, iconographer

Nationality: Canada

Zodiac Sign: Leo

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About Georgi Danevski

  • Georgi Danevski (born July 25, 1947) is a Canadian Macedonian painter, iconographer and muralist.
  • He was born in Macedonia, before spending a number of years traveling and becoming known throughout Europe and North America for his murals and canvas art. He designed and painted a large mural at St.
  • Dimitrija Solunski Macedonian Orthodox Church, Markham, Ontario and other churches.
  • He was also commissioned to paint a portrait of Frank Stronach, the founder of Magna International, Moses Znaimer and also a painting of the Canadian Triple Crown racehorse Wando.

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