Gonzalo Barrios (born April 17, 1995), known by his gamertag ZeRo, is a Chilean professional Super Smash Bros.
player and streamer.
He is considered the best Super Smash Bros.
for Wii U player in the world throughout his career.
ZeRo had a record-breaking 56-tournament winning streak from 2014 to 2015, in which he won several high-profile tournaments including EVO 2015 and The Big House 5.
In the past, he has been a top ranked Super Smash Bros.
Brawl player.
He is best known for playing as Diddy Kong in Super Smash Bros.
for Wii U, Pit in Project M, Meta Knight in Brawl, and Fox in Melee.
He is the only person to earn more than US$100,000 playing Super Smash Bros.