Alma Dolens, Date of Birth, Date of Death


Alma Dolens

Date of Birth: 18-Feb-1869

Date of Death: 01-Jan-0001

Profession: suffragette, journalist, peace activist

Nationality: Italy

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

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About Alma Dolens

  • Teresita Pasini (née dei Bonfatti, 1869-1948), better known by her pseudonym Alma Dolens, was a prominent Italian pacifist, suffragist, and journalist.
  • "Alma Dolens" is a combination of the Latin alma meaning "soul" or "heart" with the Latin participle dolens meaning "pained" or "grieving"; the name can thus be translated as "sorrowful heart" or "heavy heart", and is thought to refer to her feelings surrounding militarism and war.

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