Manabendra Adhikary is an Assamese film producer, lives in Chandmari, Guwahati, Assam.
He was born on 17 January 1963 at Abhayapuri, Dist- Bongaigaon.
After passing HSLC from Abhayapuri Abhayeswari H.S.M.P.
School in 1978 and came to Guwahati and join in Guwahati Commerce College.
After graduation in 1983, he had rushed to Delhi for Higher Education.
After completion of M.Com and MBA from Delhi he has worked few months in Delhi and came back to Guwahati in 1990 and started his own consultancy firm (Finance & Tax) at Uzanbazar as M.Adhikary & Associates.
In 2002, he has started his construction company as M/S Aadarsh Real Eastate Pvt.
and continuously running his business with his subordinates.
Since his childhood he had a desire to be a film maker and is inspired by the films of late Satyajit Ray,late Dr.
Bhabendra Nath Saikia & Sri Jahnu Baruah, he has started his film career opening a production house "Artha Films" in May, 2013.
The main object of the "Artha Films" is to present some realistic film in society as well as for the upliftment of Assamese film industry to settle in India as a leading quality film maker.
This production is always looking for realistic theme related day-to-day life of common people.
The "Othello" an Assamese Feature Film just an introduction.
At present another feature film "Antareen" with a deep psychological theme is under post production in Mumbai.
The house is an expectation to contribute in Assamese film industry.