Ashok Khosla, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Ashok Khosla

Date of Birth: 31-Mar-1940

Place of Birth: Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan

Profession: environmentalist

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Ashok Khosla

  • Ashok Khosla is an Indian environmentalist currently based in Delhi.
  • He received his PhD in experimental physics from Harvard University with a doctoral dissertation in the hyperfine structure of hydrogen halide isotopes.
  • He is the co-chair of United Nations Environment Programme’s International Resource Panel (UNEP-IRP) and is internationally known for pioneering and contributing to sustainable development.
  • He is recognized for popularizing the word and concept of "sustainability" in international forums.
  • He was actively involved in various projects that defined the environmental views and activities of institutions such as UNEP, UNESCO, UNU, the U.S.
  • Academy of Sciences, IUCN, and the ICSU/SCOPE..
  • He was also the President of IUCN (2008 to 2012) and Club of Rome (2005 to 2012).
  • Ashok Khosla is member of the World Future Council.

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