Nir Shaviv, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Nir Shaviv

Israeli astrophysicist

Date of Birth: 06-Jul-1972

Place of Birth: Ithaca, New York, United States

Profession: physicist, astrophysicist, university teacher

Nationality: Israel

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Nir Shaviv

  • Nir Joseph Shaviv (Hebrew: ??? ???? ?????, born July 6, 1972) is an Israeli-American physics professor.
  • He is professor at the Racah Institute of Physics of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, of which he is now its chairman. He is a climate change denialist known for his solar and cosmic-ray hypothesis of climate change.
  • In 2002, Shaviv hypothesised that passages through the Milky Way's spiral arms appear to have been the cause behind the major ice-ages over the past billion years.
  • In his later work, co-authored by Jan Veizer, a low upper limit was placed on the climatic effect of CO2.His best known contribution to the field of astrophysics was to demonstrate that the Eddington luminosity is not a strict limit, namely, that astrophysical objects can be brighter than the Eddington luminosity without blowing themselves apart.
  • This is achieved through the development of a porous atmosphere that allows the radiation to escape while exerting little force on the gas.
  • The theory was correctly used to explain the mass-loss in Eta Carinae's giant eruption, and the evolution of classical nova eruptions.

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