Juan Maria Schuver, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Juan Maria Schuver

Dutch explorer

Date of Birth: 26-Feb-1852

Place of Birth: Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands

Date of Death: 01-Jan-1883

Profession: journalist, explorer

Nationality: Kingdom of the Netherlands

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Juan Maria Schuver

  • Juan Maria Schuver (born as- Joannes Maria Schuver) (February 26, 1852 - August 1883) was a Dutch explorer who was a native of Amsterdam. Son of a wealthy merchant, as a young man Schuver travelled extensively throughout Europe, the Middle East and northern Africa.
  • At the age of 21 he worked as a private correspondent for the Dutch newspaper Algemeen Handelsblad, covering events that took place in the Third Carlist War in Spain.
  • Afterwards he travelled to the Balkans and reported for the Handelsblad involving action from the Russo-Turkish War (1877–1878).
  • In 1879 his father died and Schuver inherited a fortune.
  • At this time he made plans to pursue a lifelong dream, to undertake a scientific expedition to the interior of Africa.
  • He joined the Royal Geographical Society of London and took classes on various subjects in order to prepare for his upcoming journey. In March 1881, he reached Khartoum with a small entourage, and subsequently spent the better part of the next two-plus years performing explorations of southeastern Sudan, particularly the eastern watershed of the White Nile and the hill regions surrounding the upper Blue Nile.
  • In southern Sudan, he had a keen interest in the political and social aspects of the area, and made important historical and ethnographic observations concerning the various tribes he encountered.
  • His detailed descriptions of the Sudanese-Ethiopian border region in the early 1880s constitute an extremely valuable and exciting new contribution to the travel literature of late nineteenth-century Africa.
  • In August 1883, he was fatally wounded by a spear during a skirmish with Dinka tribesmen in Tek, a village that was a two-day journey from the garrison at Meshra-el-Rek.
  • Schuver maintained extensive notebooks during the expedition, and items he collected during his stay in Sudan are now housed at the National Museum of Ethnology in Leiden.

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