Cheon Jung-hee, Date of Birth


Cheon Jung-hee

South Korean mathematician and cryptographer

Date of Birth: 11-Jun-1969

Profession: professor, mathematician, cryptographer

Nationality: South Korea

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

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About Cheon Jung-hee

  • Cheon Jung-Hee is a South Korean mathematician and cryptographer whose research interest includes computational number theory, cryptography, and information security.
  • He is one of the inventors of braid cryptography, one of group-based cryptography.
  • He is particularly known for his work on an efficient algorithm on strong DH problem.
  • He received the best paper award in Asiacrypt 2008 for improving Pollard rho algorithm, and the best paper award in Eurocrypt 2015 for attacking Multilinear Maps.He is a professor of Mathematical Sciences at the Seoul National University (SNU).
  • He received the Bachelor of Science, Master of Science and Ph.D degrees in Mathematics from KAIST in 1991, and 1997, respectively.
  • Before joining to SNU, he was in ETRI, Brown university, and ICU. He is a program co-chair of ICISC 2008, MathCrypt 2013, ANTS-XI and Asiacrypt 2015.

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