Willgodt Theophil Odhner, Date of Birth, Date of Death


Willgodt Theophil Odhner

Swedish engineer

Date of Birth: 10-Aug-1845

Date of Death: 15-Sep-1905

Profession: businessperson, engineer, inventor

Nationality: Sweden

Zodiac Sign: Leo

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About Willgodt Theophil Odhner

  • Willgodt Theophil Odhner (in Cyrillic, ???????? ?????? ?????) was a Swedish engineer and entrepreneur, working in St.
  • Petersburg, Russia.
  • He was the inventor of the Odhner Arithmometer, which by the 1940s was one of the most popular type of portable mechanical calculator in the world.According to a brochure distributed by Odhner's company at the Paris World exposition of 1900 "...Odhner had, in 1871, an opportunity to repair a Thomas calculating machine and then became convinced that it is possible to solve the problem of mechanical calculation by a simpler and more appropriate way".
  • It took him 19 years to perfect the design of this new machine so it could be manufactured effectively.

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