Georges Beuchat, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Georges Beuchat

Schuba dive pioneer

Date of Birth: 11-Feb-1910

Place of Birth: Switzerland

Date of Death: 01-Jan-1992

Profession: businessperson, biologist

Nationality: France

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

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About Georges Beuchat

  • Georges Beuchat (1910–1992) was a French inventor, underwater diver, businessman and emblematic pioneer of underwater activities and founder of Beuchat. Throughout his lifetime, Georges Beuchat never ceased developing products which have significantly enhanced underwater activity as we know it today.
  • Many of his inventions and innovations have gone down in history, including the surface buoy in 1948, the first underwater camera housing in 1950, and the first vented fins (the Jetfins in 1964).

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