Anton Bergmann, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Anton Bergmann

activist, writer

Date of Birth: 29-Jun-1835

Place of Birth: Lier, Flemish Region, Belgium

Date of Death: 21-Jan-1874

Profession: writer, lawyer, political activist

Nationality: Belgium

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Anton Bergmann

  • Anton Bergmann (Lier, 29 June 1835 – Lier, 21 January 1874) was a Belgian writer and a liberal Flemish activist.
  • Already during his youth he was fond of Dutch literature, and together with Julius Vuylsteke, he was a member of 't zal wel gaan, a Flemish cultural and liberal organization.
  • After he graduated from humaniora (E: highschool), he went to the University of Ghent, where he obtained a bachelor's degree in literature, law and notary.
  • Afterwards he attended the Vrije Hogeschool van Brussel (E: Free University of Brussels), where he obtained a doctorate in law in 1858.
  • In the meantime he was very active as a writer and as an historian.
  • He wrote a study on Philips van Marnix van Sint Aldegonde, plundering der hoofdkerk van Lier (E: Philips van Marnix van Sint Aldegonde, the looting of the main church of Lier).
  • A Royal Decree of 17 June 1857 awarded to Anton Bergmann the five-year price of Dutch literatur for the period 1870-1874. In 1858, he established himself as a lawyer in Lier, where he married Eliza Van Acker.
  • His career as a lawyer left little time for writing, but he spent his spare time on literature and history.
  • He became a member of the Flemish cultural organization the Willemsfonds, and he founded the weekly magazine De Lierenaar.
  • In 1870, he published two Rijnlandsche novellen, and in 1873, he published his Geschiedenis van Lier (E: History of Lier).
  • These publication were followed by Brigitta, Op St.-Niklaasdag, and Mariette la Bella.
  • His frail health deteriorated while he was working on his magnum opus Ernest Staas, which he published under the pseudonym Tony.
  • Ernest Staas was a success, and also his friend Nicolaas Beets (alias Hildebrand), whom he admired very much, was full of praise for his book.
  • However, soon after its publication, Anton Bergmann died.

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