Udo Bentz, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Udo Bentz

German Roman Catholic priest

Date of Birth: 03-Mar-1967

Place of Birth: Rülzheim, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

Profession: Catholic priest

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Udo Bentz

  • Udo Markus Bentz (born 3 March 1967 in Rülzheim) is a Roman Catholic clergyman and auxiliary bishop in Mainz.
  • Udo Bentz first trained from 1986 to 1988 as a banker.
  • In 1988 he entered the Mainz priesthood and studied theology and philosophy at the University of Mainz and University of Innsbruck.
  • In 1994 the deacon ordination and the diaconate internship in Griesheim took place.
  • He received the sacrament of the ordination of priests on 1 July 1995 for the bishopric of Mainz by Bishop Karl Lehmann Until 1998, he worked as a chaplain in the cathedral of St.
  • Peter and the St.
  • Martin parish in Worms.
  • This was followed by a four-year period as personal secretary of the Mainz Bishop Karl Lehmann.
  • After further studies he joined Albert Raffelt at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg in 2007 with a theological-historical dissertation on Dr.
  • theol.
  • PhD.
  • For this work, he was awarded the Karl Rahner Prize in 2008 by the University of Innsbruck.
  • He was pastoral in the parish of St.
  • Michael in Sprendlingen (2002–2004) and in the parish of St.
  • Peter Canisius in Mainz-Gonsenheim (2004–2007).
  • Since 2007, he is a rain of the Mainz priest seminar.
  • In 2011, he was appointed spiritual minister by the Bishop of Mainz.
  • In 2013, Bentz was elected Chairman of the German Regency Council, the Conference of Rectors of the Priestly Seminars in Germany.
  • In addition to the priestly seminar, he has been teaching the seminary for pastoralists and pastoral assistants of the diocese since 2014.

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