Han Tha Myint (Burmese: ??????????; also spelt Han Thar Myint) is a Burmese politician.
He currently serves on the National League for Democracy's Central Executive Committee and is a party spokesman.Han Tha Myint won the seat in the Pyithu Hluttaw to represent the Budalin Township Constituency No.
1 during the 1990 Burmese general election, winning about 81% of the votes (16,645 valid votes).
The Union Election Commission announced his forced resignation from the post on 11 June 1996.He was born to parents Thein Pe Myint and Khin Khin Kyi on 7 May 1948 in Rangoon, Burma.
His father Thein Pe Myint was a prominent Anti-Fascist People's Freedom League leader and a close friend of General Aung San.
Han Tha Myint obtained a Bachelor of Engineering degree from the Rangoon Institute of Technology in 1970.