Eugen Schileru, Date of Birth, Date of Death


Eugen Schileru

Romanian art and literary critic, essayist and translator

Date of Birth: 13-Sep-1916

Date of Death: 10-Aug-1968

Profession: translator, film critic

Nationality: Romania

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

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About Eugen Schileru

  • Eugen Schileru (pen name of Eugen Schiller; September 13, 1916–August 10, 1968) was a Romanian art and literary critic, essayist and translator. Born in Braila, his parents were Henri Schiller, an otorhinolaryngologist, and his wife Maria (nĂ©e Demetrescu); his father was Jewish and his mother ethnic Romanian.
  • He attended Nicolae Balcescu High School in his native city from 1930 to 1934, followed by the literature and philosophy faculty of Bucharest University from 1934 to 1938.
  • Schileru graduated with a degree in aesthetics; his thesis dealt with art and pathological manifestations.
  • One of his professors was George Oprescu.
  • In 1939, he received a law degree.
  • Under the pen name Adrian Schileru, he published in the Marxist review Era noua in 1936.
  • In 1938, he received a vacation scholarship from the French Institute of Advanced Studies in Romania; also that year, he graduated from a pedagogical institute.
  • From 1948 to 1951, he directed the Romanian Academy's library.
  • In 1949, he became a professor of aesthetics at Bucharest's Nicolae Grigorescu Fine Arts Institute, rising to chairman of the art history department in 1968.Schileru's writings include articles in literary and specialty magazines; short works on fine arts (exhibition catalogues, art columns, aesthetic commentaries, notes about impressionism, classical and contemporary painting); film reviews; theoretical works about art; and commentaries partly collected in Rembrandt (1966), Ion Sima (1968), Ion Irimescu (1969), Impresionismul (1969), Scrisoarea de dragoste (1971) and Preludii critice (1975).
  • He prefaced translations from Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry, Thomas Mann, Herman Melville, Alberto Moravia and Cesare Pavese, while himself translating, alone or in collaboration, Sinclair Lewis, James Hilton, Horace McCoy, Giovanni Germanetto, AndrĂ© Ribard, Claude LĂ©vi-Strauss, Albert Maltz, Richard Sasuly and Tirso de Molina.The Braila Museum Carol I celebrated 100 years from the birth of Eugen Schileru.
  • At Istros publishing house appeared "Eugen Schileru His Life as a Book"( Eugen Schileru Via?a lui ca o Carte),a handsome volume in which his daughter, Micaela Schileru, remembers her extraordinary father.
  • The book is organized in three sections: I.
  • Eugen Schileru, My Father II.
  • Eugen Schileru, par lui-mĂŞme, a selection of his writings published in the printed media, starting as early as 1933 until his death.
  • III.
  • Memories about Eugen Schileru by his contemporaries and by his former students.
  • A Chronology fills in with new biographical details about this emblematic personality of the fourth, fifth and sixth decade of the last century. References: Andrei Plesu, " Un euforic riguros: Eugen Schileru", Dilema Veche, 24-30 noiembrie 2016, #666, page.
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