Sylvan LaCue, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Sylvan LaCue

Date of Birth: 02-Sep-1990

Place of Birth: Miami, Florida, United States

Profession: rapper

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

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About Sylvan LaCue

  • Sylvan LaCue, formerly known as QuESt, is an American hip hop artist originating from Miami, Florida.
  • He began his rapping career in 2009 with several releases, including the critically acclaimed Searching Sylvan mixtape.
  • In April 2016, he released his debut studio album, Far From Familiar, and on January 12, 2018 he released his second album, Apologies in Advance. He previously signed to Chris Zarou's Visionary Music Group record label (2013-2014) before forming his own collective, WiseUp & Co..
  • In 2016, he signed a distribution deal with INGrooves, his first as an independent artist.

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