Rjurik Petrovic Lonin — this is the Veps spelling of his name — (Russian: ??´??? ?????´??? ??´???; 22 September 1930 in Kaskez’ village (Russian: ??????????´?) in the present Prionezhskii raion, Karelian ASSR, Soviet Union – 17 July 2009 in Šoutar’v, Prionezhskii raion, Republic of Karelia, Russia) was a Veps student of the local lore and collector of Veps folklore, founder of The Rjurik Lonin Veps Ethnographic Museum in Šoutar’v (Shyoltozero), and an author in the Veps and Russian languages.
He has been characterised as the most important Veps person ever to have lived and the best known Veps person of his time.