Petras Klimas, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Petras Klimas

Lithuanian diplomat and historian

Date of Birth: 23-Feb-1891

Place of Birth: Kušliškiai, Marijampolė County, Lithuania

Date of Death: 16-Jan-1969

Profession: politician, jurist, diplomat, historian, university teacher

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Petras Klimas

  • Petras Klimas (pronunciation , February 23, 1891 - January 16, 1969) was a Lithuanian diplomat, author, historian, and one of the twenty signatories of the Act of Independence of Lithuania. Klimas attended law school at the University of Moscow.
  • After graduating, he returned to Vilnius and served on the Lithuanian Central Relief Committee.
  • He was elected to the Council of Lithuania in 1917, and signed the Act of Independence in 1918.
  • Klimas went on to serve as the Lithuanian diplomatic envoy to France, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, and Luxembourg. During the Interwar period Klimas published a number of scholarly works in Lithuanian and German language, including Russisch Litauen (Russian Lithuania), a study of Russian rule of Lithuania from 1795–1915; Der Werdegang des litauischen Staates (The Development of the Lithuanian State), describing the emergence of the Lithuanian state from 1915–1918; and Lietuvos žemes valdymo istorija (History of land ownership in Lithuania). While he was serving on a diplomatic mission to Paris in 1940, the Lithuanian Legation was turned over to the Soviet Union.
  • The Nazi occupational authorities in France arrested him in 1942, and he was sent to a concentration camp until 1943.
  • He was released for a short while and returned to Lithuania, but was re-arrested in 1944 during the second Soviet occupation of Lithuania.
  • This time he was sent to a concentration camp in Siberia and spent ten years there.
  • His health was permanently impaired until his death in 1969.
  • He was buried in Petrašiunai Cemetery.

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