Vanessa Alfaro, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Vanessa Alfaro

Date of Birth: 01-Jun-1983

Place of Birth: Cochabamba, Cochabamba Department, Bolivia

Profession: fashion designer, model

Nationality: Bolivia

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

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About Vanessa Alfaro

  • Vanessa Alfaro is a Bolivian designer, entrepreneur, model and actress based in Los Angeles, California.
  • Alfaro is the president and CEO of Sonne Global Inc., a company dedicated to design, creation, brand licensing, marketing and publicity.
  • Alfaro created the first and only women's ready-to-wear line for FIFA during the 2014 World Cup in Brazil.
  • She has been the only designer to work with FIFA for a woman's line using official logos of the World Cup.Alfaro has worked in fashion design, product licensing, and marketing for corporations such as Pepsi, Toyota, Nestle, Truper, Petrobras, Suzuki, and FIFA.Alfaro began modeling in Bolivia at 17 years old.
  • She had an active career as an editorial and runway model, and was also crowned with various beauty pageant titles including "Most Photogenic" and "The most beautiful between models."At 19 years old, Alfaro created Sonne Imagen & Production in Cochabamba, Bolivia while she was still a Commercial Engineering student at The Catholic University in Bolivia.
  • She graduated with honors and went on to earn a Masters in Finance.
  • She also specialized in graphic and fashion design.
  • When Alfaro was 24 years old she married and moved to the United States.
  • Once in the U.S., she continued her trajectory as a designer, model, actress and singer.

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