Elise Boot, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Elise Boot

Dutch politician

Date of Birth: 02-Aug-1932

Place of Birth: Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands

Profession: politician, jurist

Nationality: Kingdom of the Netherlands

Zodiac Sign: Leo

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About Elise Boot

  • Elisabeth Cornelia Alphonsa Maria (Elise) Boot (born 2 August 1932, in Rotterdam) is a Dutch jurist and former politician. Boot studied theology at the Catholic University of Nijmegen, but after a few years she switched to studying law at the National University of Utrecht.
  • She graduated in 1967. Following her studies, she worked at the Europa Institute of the University of Utrecht, focussing on economic law.
  • From 1970 she was also linked to the Salzburg Seminar in American Studies in the Austrian city of Salzburg.
  • In 1971 she became a member of the executive board of the Faculty of Law of the University of Utrecht.
  • She also thought european law at the University of Birmingham from 1973 to 1974. For the Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA) she was a member of two legislative bodies.
  • From 1978 to 1982 she was a member of the Provinciale Staten of Utrecht and from 1979 to 1989 she was a member of the European Parliament. In 1989 the CDA decided not to make her a candidate for the European Parliament again.
  • In a hopeless attempt to stay in the Parliament, she joined the splinterparty 'God Met Ons' (God With Us).
  • For this party she was number five on the ballot.
  • Around 1994 she joined the Algemeen Ouderen Verbond (General Elderly Alliance).
  • Later she ended up in the Lijst Pim Fortuyn (List Pim Fortuyn).
  • For this party she was number 23 on the ballot in the 2003 parliamentary elections, but she did not receive enough votes to take a seat.
  • Until June 2003 she was a member of the governing body of the List Pim Fortuyn, but in July she was expelled from the party.
  • In 2004 she joined Pim Fortuyn's Cultuurgoed (Pim Fortuyns Cultural Heritage). Boot has also been active in other functions.
  • She had a seat in the boards of three European-oriented clubs: the Europese Beweging in Nederland (European Movement in the Netherlands), the Mouvement Européen (European Movement) and the Union of European Federalists.
  • She was also member of the departement of 'international affairs' of the Raad van Kerken in Nederland (Council of Churches in the Netherlands) and a member of the Katholieke Raad voor Kerk en Samenleving (Catholic Council for Church and Society).

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