Art Pauley, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Art Pauley

Date of Birth: 02-Dec-1905

Place of Birth: Maine, United States

Date of Death: 01-Aug-1984

Profession: scientist, biographer

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

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About Art Pauley

  • Art Pauley was a historian and author of the book Henry Plummer, Lawman and Outlaw, published in 1980 by the Meagher County News, White Sulphur Springs, Montana.
  • He published the first biography of Henry Plummer, an old west lawman and criminal.
  • Pauley's interest in Plummer began when he was very young listening to the old-timers taking about the subject while living in Deer Lodge, Montana.
  • He conducted research for many years before his book was published, visiting several places of interest associated with Plummer such as Nevada City, California and Bannack, Montana and central Idaho.
  • Pauley was an amateur historian described by his editor, Verle L.
  • Rademacher of the Meagher County News, as driving around with great reams of paper files stacked in heaps in the back seat of his car.

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