Haatim Zakiyuddin, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Haatim Zakiyuddin

Indian Islamic leader

Date of Birth: 10-Sep-1959

Place of Birth: Vadodara, Gujarat, India

Profession: Imam

Nationality: India

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

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About Haatim Zakiyuddin

  • Haatim Zakiyuddin-???? ??? ?????, the 45th Saiyedna of Alavi Bohras and Naa'ib-???? representative, vicar, legatee and deputy of the progeny of 21st Fatimid Isma'ili Imam Abul Qaasim at-Taiyeb during the time of his Concealment from Cairo in 528 AH/1132 AD which is called Daur us Satr (??? ?????).
  • He is on the noble rank of Da'i al-Mutlaq or ad-Da'i ul-Mutlaq or Da'i-e-Mutlaq enjoying the absolute spiritual and temporal authority under the secreted guidance (?????) of the Imam of Time (???? ??????).
  • Anyone who gives him Oath of Allegiance and Covenant (????? ?????) on the name of Imam at-Taiyeb then only he is regarded the member of Alavi Bohra Community.
  • The chief jurist an-No'maan of the Fatimid court of Imam Mo'iz says in his work that, As for the true followers, the members of the Ismaili community, they faithfully take the pledge of allegiance to the Imam.
  • Saiyedna's words, commands and guidance is regarded that of Imam and likewise of Muhammad and Allah.
  • Believers hold him in high esteem as his life is based on the holy life of Imam (progeny of Wasi), Wasi (legatee of Nabi) and Nabi (prophet with divine decree and powers). Saiyedi Noohji bin Mohammadji was a very close associate and assembly member of Da'wat e Haadiyah during the time of 31st Da'i al-Mutlaq Saiyedna Hasan Badruddin (d.
  • 1090 AH/1679 AD) in Ahmedabad.
  • He was a pious and learned man and pure-heartedly served the mission-????.
  • Looking to his sincere service and nobility Saiyedna Hasan Badruddin said to him that, "Allah will bless you with the bounty of noble children who will become the stars of my Da'wat." This wise words of Saiyedna came with the glad-tidings (?????) as he was blessed with the son named "Jivabhai". Saiyedna Hasan Badruddin himself gave the primary religious and other necessary education and learning to Jivabhai and due to his cleverness and wisdom at a very tender age he memorized the Qur'an.
  • Saiyedna saheb gave him special sessions and imparted him deep understanding of Islamic Principles and Isma'ili Tenets.
  • To reward Saiyedi Noohji for his service and to establish the right rank of Jivabhai among other Ashaab (associates) due to his sincerity and knowledge, Saiyedna saheb bestowed Jivabhai with the honorific title of "Ziyauddin" -???? ????? (the light of religion) and ascended him on the high rank of Da'i ul-Mutlaq. Saiyedna Jivabhai Ziyauddin became the 32nd Da'i al-Mutlaq and he migrated from Ahmedabad to Vadodara in 1110 AH/1699 AH and established his Da'wat in the area called Miya Mahmood Wadi on the outskirts of the Walled city of Vadodara.
  • Saiyedna Hasan Badruddin's grace was so much on Saiyedna Jivabhai Ziyauddin that not only he but in his progeny 12 saheb reached on the holy throne of Da'i al-Mutlaq during the period (1090-1438 AH/1679-2017 AD).
  • The present Da'i or Saiyedna is the 12th Saheb of Aal-e-Jivabhai.

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