Sumaira Abdulali (born 22 May 1961) is an environmentalist from Mumbai, India, founder of the NGO Awaaz Foundation and Convenor of the Movement against Intimidation, Threat and Revenge against Activists (MITRA).
She was Co-Chairman of the Conservation Sub Committee and Honorary Secretary of Asia's oldest and largest environmental NGO, the Bombay Natural History Society, and is currently a Governing Council Member.
Through legal interventions, advocacy and public campaigns, contribution to documentary films, television debates and press articles she has successfully mainstreamed and built consciousness about previously unknown environmental hazards, notably noise pollution and sand mining, and has won national and International awards for her work.
She also set up the first network for protection of activists in India after an attack on her by the sand mafia is 2004.She has been referred to as "one of India's foremost environmental activists."