George Washington Blagden, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


George Washington Blagden

American clergyman

Date of Birth: 03-Oct-1802

Place of Birth: Washington, D.C., District of Columbia, United States

Date of Death: 17-Dec-1884

Profession: writer

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Libra

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About George Washington Blagden

  • George Washington Blagden (October 3, 1802-December 17, 1884) was an American clergyman. Blagden was born in Washington, D.
  • C., October 3, 1802. He entered Yale College in 1820 and graduated in 1823.
  • After graduation, he took the three years' course at the Andover Theological Seminary.
  • On December 26, 1827, he was ordained the first pastor of the Congregational Church in Brighton, Mass., then just organized as a result of the prevailing Unitarian controversy.
  • He left this parish to accept a call to the Salem Street (Congregational) Church in Boston, where he was installed, November 3, 1830; and he was dismissed on September 5, 1836, from this engagement, to be installed on the 28th of the same month over the Old South Church, in the same city.
  • He was also a member of the Massachusetts Constitutional Convention in 1853, and from 1854 to 1859 was one of the Board of Overseers of Harvard University, from which institution he had received a doctorate in divinity in 1850, as well as from Union College in 1849.
  • A colleague pastor was settled in 1857.
  • In 1872 he resigned his charge, continuing, however, to be connected with the church as pastor emeritus until his death.
  • In 1883 he removed to New York City, to spend his remaining days in the home of a married daughter, and there he died very suddenly, of heart-disease, December 17, 1884, in his 83rd year. He married, June 8, 1831, Miriam, younger daughter of the Hon.
  • John Phillips of Boston, who died April 26, 1874.
  • Their children were five sons and three daughters, of whom four sons and a daughter survived him.

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