Reinhardt Kiehl, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Reinhardt Kiehl

German mathematician

Date of Birth: 31-May-1935

Place of Birth: Herne, Free State of Prussia, Germany

Profession: mathematician

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

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About Reinhardt Kiehl

  • Reinhardt Kiehl (born 31 May 1935 in Herne, North Rhine-Westphalia) is a German mathematician. From 1955, Kiehl studied mathematics, physics and astronomy at the University of Göttingen and the University of Heidelberg.
  • He received in 1965 his Ph.D.
  • (promotion) under Friedrich Karl Schmidt at Heidelberg University with thesis Ă„quivalenzrelationen in analytischen Räumen.
  • He was from 1966 to 1968 a research assistant and in 1968–1969 a docent at the University of MĂĽnster, where he received in 1968 his habilitation.
  • From 1969 to 1972 he was a professor ordinarius at the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main.
  • From 1972 he was a professor ordinarius at the University of Mannheim, where he retired in 2003 as professor emeritus. His research deals with algebraic and arithmetic geometry and non-archimedean function theory.
  • He wrote with Eberhard Freitag a textbook on the Weil conjectures and Ă©tale cohomology.
  • In 1970 Kiehl was an Invited Speaker at the ICM in Nice with talk Grauertsche Kohärenzsätze fĂĽr stetige und differenzierbare Familien komplexer Räume.

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