Helen Hobbs, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Helen Hobbs

American university teacher

Date of Birth: 05-May-1952

Place of Birth: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Profession: physician, university teacher, biochemist

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

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About Helen Hobbs

  • Helen Hobbs, M.D., is a professor at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator, who won a 2016 Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences and the 2018 Harrington Prize for Innovation in Medicine.
  • She and Jonathan C.
  • Cohen found that people with hypomorphic PCSK9 mutations had lower LDL-cholesterol levels and were almost immune to heart disease.
  • This finding led to the development of a new class of cholesterol-lowering drugs that mimic the effects of the PCSK9 mutations.
  • She and Jonathan Cohen also identified the first genetic risk factor for fatty liver disease, a burgeoning health problem that can lead to cirrhosis and liver cancer.
  • Their laboratory has shown that mutation in PNPLA3 causes accumulation of PNPLA3 on lipid droplets, which compromises the mobilization of triglycerides from liver cells.
  • She sits on the Board of Directors at Pfizer.

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