Roland Wiesendanger (born October 5 1961 in Basel) is a German physicist.
A full professor at the University of Hamburg, Germany, since 1993, Wiesendanger established the Microstructure Advanced Research Center Hamburg, a National Center of Competence in Nanotechnology, and the Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center Hamburg.
He was also chairman of the Hamburg Collaborative Research Center “Magnetism from Single Atoms to Nanostructures” (2006–2017).
He is worldwide recognized as an expert in nanoscience and he has been awarded three times in a row with the prestigious ERC Advanced Grant of the European Research Council as first scientist in Europe.
In 2003 he received the Philip Morris Research Prize for his pioneering work on “Magnetic microscopy at the ultimate limit” and in 2014 he was awarded with the first “Heinrich Rohrer Grand Medal and Prize”.
In the Laudatio for the International Julius Springer Prize for Applied Physics (2016), his pioneering work on Spin-Polarized Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Magnetic Exchange Force Microscopy, which allow for investigations of the magnetism of individual atoms on surfaces as well as the spin structure of solid surfaces with atomic resolution, was highlighted.