Mungo Park (explorer), Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Mungo Park (explorer)

Scottish naturalist and explorer of the African continent

Date of Birth: 11-Sep-1771

Place of Birth: Scotland, United Kingdom

Date of Death: 01-Jan-1806

Profession: naturalist, physician, physician writer, surgeon, explorer

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

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About Mungo Park (explorer)

  • Mungo Park (11 September 1771 – 1806) was a Scottish explorer of West Africa.
  • After an exploration of the upper Niger River around 1796, he wrote a popular and influential travel book titled Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa in which he theorized the Niger and Congo merged to become the same river.
  • He was killed during a second expedition, having successfully traveled about two-thirds of the way down the Niger.
  • Park's death meant the idea of a Niger-Congo merger remained unproven but it became the leading theory among geographers.
  • The mystery of the Niger's course, which had been speculated about since the Ancient Greeks and was second only to the mystery of the Nile source, was not solved for another 25 years, in 1830, when it was discovered the Niger and Congo were in fact separate rivers.
  • If the African Association was the "beginning of the age of African exploration" then Mungo Park was its first successful explorer; he set a standard for all who followed.
  • Park was the first Westerner to have recorded travels in the central portion of the Niger, and through his popular book introduced the public to a vast unexplored continent which influenced future European explorers and colonial ambitions in Africa.

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