Alfredo Barnechea, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Alfredo Barnechea

Peruvian politician, journalism and writer

Date of Birth: 19-May-1952

Place of Birth: Ica, Peru

Profession: writer, politician, journalist

Nationality: Peru

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

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About Alfredo Barnechea

  • Isaac Alfredo Barnechea GarcĂ­a (born 19 May 1952) is a Peruvian journalist and politician.
  • In 2016 he ran for President of Peru with AcciĂłn Popular, finishing in fourth place.
  • Currently, he is among the potential candidates for the 2021 Peruvian general election. As a journalist, he hosted the television interview program titled "Direct Contact", which ran from 1978 to 1983.
  • The show was overseen by the military dictatorship until 1980.
  • Since then, he has been a columnist for the Spanish newspaper El PaĂ­s, the Peruvian magazine Caretas and has written six books about Peruvian politics and political economy. Barnechea was member of the APRA party.
  • He ran unsuccessfully for mayor of Lima in 1983, losing to the left-wing candidate Alfonso Barrantes Lingán.
  • Barnechea was elected to Peru's Congress from 26 July 1985 during the government of President Alan GarcĂ­a.
  • He resigned the party after GarcĂ­a announced plans to nationalize the banks in 1987.In 1992, he earned a Master's in Public Administration from the John F.
  • Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.
  • After obtaining his degree, he worked at the Inter-American Development Bank and the Andean Community.In 2013, Barnechea joined the Popular Action party and was later selected as that party's presidential candidate (after internal primaries) for the 2016 elections.
  • He rose second in the polls after the disqualifications of Julio Guzmán and CĂ©sar Acuña Peralta.
  • He ended the election in fourth place with 6.7% of the popular vote, above APRA candidate Alan GarcĂ­a, but surpassed by Veronika Mendoza, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski and Keiko Fujimori. Barnechea is married to Claudia Ganoza Temple, the step daughter of former United Nations Secretary General Javier PĂ©rez de CuĂ©llar.
  • They have three children.

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