Dennis Levy, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Dennis Levy

African-American community organizer and HIV/AIDS activist

Date of Birth: 26-Dec-1948

Place of Birth: Wyoming, Ohio, United States

Profession: advocate, community organizer

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About Dennis Levy

  • Dennis Levy (born December 26, 1948) is an African-American community organizer and public health activist living with HIV/AIDS.
  • He is also a long-term nonprogressor diagnosed in 1992.
  • Levy is the CEO and founder of Black and Latino AIDS Coalition, Inc (Blac) Blac NY is a community-based AIDS advocacy organization.
  • It advocates on behalf of Black and Latino people with AIDS and their families and works for prevention of HIV and AIDS.
  • In 1998, Levy helped pass HIV Reporting and Partner Notification.
  • It was the most controversial HIV legislation in New York State history .
  • The legislation changed the way New York State tracked new HIV and AIDS cases i.e.
  • Partner Notification.
  • Prior to the legislation, the federal government's Ryan White Program allocated money based on the proportion of patients with AIDS in each region.
  • The highest number of AIDS cases was in New York City among white gay men.
  • Consequently, the white gay population received the most money.
  • The new legislation changed this allocation to give more funding to people who were newly diagnosed with HIV infection.
  • A majority of people with HIV diagnoses were black and Latino heterosexuals.
  • Assemblywoman Nettie Mayersohn sponsored a Bill that required people infected with HIV to notify their sexual partners.
  • The 'Black and Latino AIDS Coalition' was the only AIDS organization in New York State to support Assemblywoman Mayersohn's bill.
  • Levy engaged in heated debates raging in the HIV community concerning the need for establishing a system of tracking HIV infection.

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