Sonia Berjman (born 8 April 1946) is a Doctor of Art History and also Philosophy and Letters.
A protector of parks, squares, and statues of the city of Buenos Aires, she is one of the media's main references for these issues.She has made more than a hundred publications, including books and specialized periodicals, instilling in her native country the study of landscape history.
She earned a PhD from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), another from Pantheon-Sorbonne University, and continued postdoctoral studies at the Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection of Harvard University.
She was a researcher at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) and the UBA, and a professor at the national universities of Tucumán, Mar del Plata, and the Northeast.
She is also a member of councils, commissions, and scientific committees in Argentina and abroad.A great connoisseur of the life and work of the landscaper Carlos Thays and his son Carlos León Thays, Berjman has written detailed bibliographies on them.
In 2014 her book Los Paseos Públicos de Buenos Aires y la labor de Carlos León Thays (h) entre 1922 y 1946 was declared of cultural interest of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (Declaration 98/2014).
In 2009 she was curator of the exhibition Carlos Thays, un jardinero francés en Buenos Aires at the Centro Cultural Recoleta.
Landscape is a mental construction, made possible by man's outlook towards a piece of territory.
In the end, it is the reflection of our ideological views, exterior and interior, pragmatic and artistic, representations as physical objects, states of the soul as vital needs.