Samuel Steward, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Samuel Steward

American writer, professor, tattoo artist and pornographer

Date of Birth: 23-Jul-1909

Place of Birth: Ohio, United States

Date of Death: 31-Dec-1993

Profession: writer, poet, author, university teacher, tattoo artist, novelist

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Leo

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About Samuel Steward

  • Samuel Morris Steward (July 23, 1909 – December 31, 1993), also known as Phil Andros, Phil Sparrow, and many other pseudonyms, was a poet, novelist, and university professor who left the world of academia to become a tattoo artist and pornographer. Throughout his life he kept extensive secret diaries, journals and statistics of his sex life.
  • He lived most of his adult life in Chicago, where he tattooed sailor-trainees from the US Navy's Great Lakes Naval Training Station (as well as gang members and street people) out of a tattoo parlor on South State Street.
  • He later moved to the San Francisco Bay area, where he spent the late 1960s as the official tattoo artist of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club.

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