Ahmad Al-Basheer, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Ahmad Al-Basheer

Date of Birth: 17-Oct-1984

Place of Birth: Baghdad, Baghdad Governorate, Iraq

Nationality: Iraq

Zodiac Sign: Libra

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About Ahmad Al-Basheer

  • Ahmad Al-Basheer (Arabic: ???? ???????) (born 21 October 1984) is an Iraqi comedian, journalist and director.
  • He is most prominently known for creating the television program Albasheer Show.
  • After he began broadcasting in 2014, he became one of the most famous comedians in Iraq.
  • His program is now broadcast on the Arabic Deutsche Welle channel from Amman in Jordan.
  • Since his show has received many threats from ISIL and from other extremist factions in Iraq, the Iraqi Communications and Media Commission decided to suspend his show in Iraq after ridiculing a Shiite cleric in 2016.
  • Al-Basheer has been in comedy since 2011 after he presented several comedy shows on Al-Sharqiya.

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