Zsuzsa Koncz, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Zsuzsa Koncz

Hungarian singer

Date of Birth: 07-Mar-1946

Place of Birth: Hungary

Profession: singer

Nationality: Hungary

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Zsuzsa Koncz

  • Zsuzsa Koncz (Hungarian: Koncz Zsuzsa, born 7 March 1946, Pély) is a Hungarian pop singer, whose lyrics (mostly written by János Bródy) were sometimes highly critical of the country's pre-1990 political system. Her career started after her performance in the Ki mit tud? talent show of 1962.
  • She has been performing with various bands and musicians over the years, most notably Illés and János Bródy.
  • In the 1970s, she made several successful tours abroad, mainly in Eastern Bloc countries as well as in West Germany (sometimes under the names Shusha Koncz and Jana Koncz in German-speaking countries), but also in France, the U.S., and Japan.
  • She remains extremely popular in Hungary, with some of her songs now part of Hungarian folklore, among them: 'A Kárpáthyék lánya', 'Ha én rózsa volnék', and 'Valahol egy lány'.

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